
Nancy Hauck: Details of how an Utah woman got pregnant with her son’s child

Nancy Hauck Utah
Nancy Hauck Utah

You might have been surprised when you saw the headline trending online – well, it isn’t what we were thinking.

With that being said, it is still quite weird, but we will explain how it happened after you read the details below.

Nancy Hauck, 56-year-old mother from Utah has disclosed that she is pregnant with her own son’s baby – after her daughter-in-law discovered she was unable to carry a child.

Nancy Hauck offered to become a surrogate for her son Jeff, 32, and his wife Cambria, 30, after her daughter-in-law had a life-saving hysterectomy following the traumatic birth of their second set of twins.

Knowing her son loved being a dad, she tentatively offered to be the couple’s surrogate – not thinking it would be possible due to her age.

But the embryo transferred successfully – and the baby is now due in November, with Nancy saying she ‘cannot wait to give birth’.

Nancy, an administrator, said: ‘I never imagined I would be pregnant at 56 or that this would be possible, but it is the most beautiful thing.

Why Nancy Hauck offered to become a surrogate for her son and wife

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Nancy decided she wanted to be surrogate for her son Jess and her daughter-in-law Cambria because they had struggled so much with fertility issues.

They couple went through IVF treatment for six years before having twins, Vera and Ayva, now three.


They then had another set of twins, Diseal and Luka, now 11 months – but the birth was traumatic and led to Cambria needing a hysterectomy, leaving her unable to carry any more children.

But the couple still had more frozen embryos in storage, which they had been hoping to implant.

Nancy said: ‘They’ve had lots of struggles with infertility – but they had seven embryos to try with IVF and decided they wanted to use them all.

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Hauck was mentally prepared to become a surrogate, but she wasn’t sure that her body was capable. “I told them I was willing but that I thought I would be old. But to my surprise medics said I was healthy and could do it and here I am.”

The family, who lives in Utah, had to act quickly before Hauck began menopause. And despite having just welcomed their second set of twins, Jeff and Cambria immediately decided to take advantage of the moment and try for their fifth child.

Nancy has had five healthy pregnancies in her life.

Some of her other children were a little anxious for their mother’s health, but have all warmed up to the idea and are excited for their family to expand in this special way.

She started her hormone treatment in January 2022 and injected herself every day for 12 weeks with the help of her husband and Jeff’s dad, Jason, 59.

In February 2022, Hauck had the fertilized embryos that Jeff and Cambria collected from their other rounds of IVF transferred, and they immediately stuck. Hauck was pregnant with her grandchild.

“It was a bit scary as it had been 26 years since I’d had a baby,” Hauck said.

Jeff was “humbled and amazed” when Hauck became pregnant just a few days after having the embryos transferred. “It felt like a miracle even though I had administered the dozens of shots that had prepared her body for pregnancy,” he said.

In May 2022, the family was overjoyed to learn that they were expecting a girl.

Cambria feels gratitude for her mother-in-law’s gracious offer. “She is sacrificing so much for us, and our family and we just feel so grateful,” she said.

“She has been nothing short of amazing and filled with so much light and grace. They say pregnancy comes with a glow, but Nancy’s is a full-on lighthouse.”

Written by GhLinks Media

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