Carlton Funderburke, a Kansas City pastor recently made headlines for calling his congregation cheap for not honoring him with a new watch he requested a year ago while preaching about ‘taking care of God’s shepherd’.
Carlton Funderburke has since apologized to his congregation- he released an apology video, saying the ‘video clip does not reflect my heart or my sentiment toward God’s people, yet, that’s not discernible in the clip.’
He did not offer an explanation for his actions.
Who is Carlton Funderburke?

Carlton Funderburke, a native of Kansas City, Missouri, is the founding senior pastor of Church at the Well, in Kansas City, Missouri.
He began his ministry at the age of seventeen.
In addition to his pastoral duties at The Well Kansas City, Prophet Funderburke is also the founder and chief executive officer of Anointed One Ministries, a para-church organization with specialized emphasis in the ministry of reconciliation.
With his eye also trained on the marketplace, Pastor Funderburke founded and incorporated His Hands Extended, a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization linking corporate America to grass roots Christian organizations, creating synergy, funding and partnership between the two.
Realizing the need for spiritual covering and accountability, he remains submitted to the voice and mantle of his father-in-love, Bishop L.W. Bolton, Jr. Having been duly appointed to the office of Overseer, he humbly serves as a General Overseer of the We Have Not Many Fathers Fellowship International, presided by Bishop Bolton. Pastor Funderburke also serves on the leadership team of the North Central Province of the Global United Fellowship, presided by Bishop Neil C. Ellis.
Funderburke, who is a highly sought after conference speaker and lecturer, received his university education at Drake University.
In acknowledgement of his service and commitment to ministry, Overseer Funderburke received a doctorate of divinity (honoris causa) from the Atlantic Coast Theological Seminary, Daytona Beach, Florida.
Carlton Funderburke is married to Pastor Sylvarena Funderburke.
He and his wife, Sylvarena Funderburke, make an awesome ministry team and are a great kingdom force assigned to these modern times.
Currently, Overseer & Lady Funderburke reside in South Kansas City with their three children.e. It’s easy.