Everything seems to be going on well with award winning actor Adjetey Annan as he celebrates his wife on their 12th year of being man and wife.
In an instagram post sited by ghlinks.com.gh, Pusher as most people know him announced his 12th year of holy matrimony to the world with a sweet message to his wife.
The award winning actor said they’ve had their equal share of fun, pain, sorrow and all other emotional moments but he most of all acknowledged God for how far He has brought them as a couple.
He thanked his wife for helping him be a better man for the past 12 years and added that he was going to share some 12 lessons they have learnt together as a couple for the period of 12 days on his instagram page.
It’s our 12th wedding anniversary today! I can’t believe how far we’ve come seeing how clueless we were about so many things 12 years ago! Marriage has been so many things! We’ve had fun, tears, joy, laughter, pain, hope, faith, tight friendship; but above all we’ve had God with us! And that has kept us growing closer and closer to each other. So we are firmly convinced that after 12 years, our marriage is just beginning! Over the next 12 days, @elom_anang and I will share 12 lessons we have learnt over the last 12 years! Enjoy our posts! But to you @elom_anang it’s been humbling, an honour… the difference u made in my life… I know the next 12 years will be another journey worth spending with u. thank u my “super owlet”