Paul Costict, a founding member of the renowned rap group B-Rock and The Bizz, recognized for their chart-topping track “My Baby Daddy,” has tragically passed away at his residence in Norfolk, VA.
He was 57 years old.
According to, the exact cause of his death remains uncertain, though a family member disclosed that he had mentioned feeling recently being sick.
Paul’s demise comes as a shock to many who had spoken to him just this past Wednesday, noting that he appeared to be in good spirits.
B-Rock and The Bizz are a one-hit wonder, thanks to their 1997 single, “My Baby Daddy,” which peaked at No. 10 on the Billboard charts back in the day.
The song earned gold certification and Paul Costict eventually ended up in a bitter dispute over his gold album with his ex-wife, Lasancious.
The exes fought over his plaque in a TV episode of “Divorce Court.”