Richard Prosser, a former New Zealand politician and a former member of the New Zealand House of Representatives has kicked the bucket.
Richard Prosser died at the age of 55 in UK.
Radio Central reported on Facebook that it was saddened to learn of the sudden death of “friend and UK correspondent Richard Prosser”.
“Richard was a lovely, clever man and I will miss him greatly,” it said.
“Please, please, please, open up to someone, anyone, if you have feelings of despair.
There’s always someone who can help and there’s always someone who loves and needs you.”
The Counterspin website, one of New Zealand’s biggest online platforms for anti-vaccination campaigners and conspiracy theories, said; “After hearing the sad news in our chat, we can confirm that Richard Prosser has left us after a long battle with depression.”
Former NZ First minister Tuariki Delamere told the Herald: “While I am sad that he has died so young, and sad for his family, the world will not miss his lunatic, racist and bigoted principles.”
Prosser entered Parliament as a NZ First list MP in 2011.
Soon afterwards it emerged that he had previously been advocating for banning the burqa in New Zealand in an article for Investigate magazine.
He released a book outlining his political views called Uncommon Dissent in 2012, in which he claimed that New Zealand and Western society had been “hijacked by a conspiracy of Silly Little Girls”.
His most controversial moment as an MP was his “Wogistan” comment the following year.