Security Analyst, Adam Bonaa has charged the Vetting Committee of Parliament to question National Security Minister designate, Albert Kan-Dapaah on his romantic video with an alleged side chic that sensationally went viral.
Speaking in an interview with GhanaWeb ahead of the vetting, Mr Adam Bonaa said despite the issue being personal and a moral issue, it deserves probing, considering the significance of the minister’s role.
“They should question him on that, the video went viral. Morally and ethically, you expect your National Security Minister to be a bit diligent and very circumspect of his dealing. These are private matters but it goes to the bottom of how the security architecture of this country is. There is a saying that ‘show me who hasn’t sinned.’ But mine is that as a National Security Minister he should exceed more above all of us morally but unfortunately what we saw speak to the core that our National Security as expected is not robust,” he said.