A Jeannette woman named Kele Diane Townsend, has been identified as the person found in a New Stanton pond last week.
The Westmoreland County Coroner’s Office said Kele Diane Townsend, 34, was found floating in the water off Broadview Road around 12:30 p.m. Nov. 6.
The death is not believed to be suspicious, said Coroner Tim Carson.
Townsend’s family was notified by investigators last week, but authorities at the coroner’s office spent more time evaluating to make sure they had the correct identity before releasing it publicly, Carson said.
The positive identification was made using medical records, physical stature, teeth, tattoos, and jewelry.
An autopsy has been conducted on Townsend’s body. The cause and manner of death are still pending.
The pond is deep back on old farmland, and it cannot be seen unless you go through the brush. Some neighbors did not know there was a pond there.
“I didn’t know there was a pond up there. When I lived up there, there was a pond, but it was inactive. It never held water or anything,” neighbor Bob Fox said.
Fox used to live and work on the farm. He said his brother owns and rents out the house on the property. For him, it is sad to see this happen where he once lived and worked.
“It’s very surprising to me that anything happened up there,” he said.
Neighbor Dennis Chappell said it is a quiet and calm area.
“I’ve lived here 14 years. If not more, and nothing like that has ever happened,” he said.