
Grand P Biography , Age , Net worth , Eudoxie Yao ,Wife , Moussa Sandina Kaba

Grand P
Grand P

Who Is Grand P

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Grand P is a star in Guinea, and it was CAN 2019 that propelled him onto the international scene.

Real name is Moussa Sandiana Kaba, was born with progeria, a growth deficiency. In Guinea, he is known as a singer, actor and social media personality.


Real Name: Moussa Sandina Kaba

Date of Birth: 1990

Place of Birth: Guinea

Occupation: Musician

Net Worth: Not Estimated


His age has always been at the center of the debates without any clear answer having been given before by the person concerned or by his entourage.

The only sure thing so far is that he is an adult whose age does not correspond to his build.

However, the manager of Grand P confided that his foal was 30 years old.

Eudoxie Yao

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He is in a relationship with plus-size model Eudoxie Yao, of Ivory Coast, who claims to have the largest behind in West Africa.

Net Worth

Not Estimated

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