Few days after being called out on social media by Nigerians, for kissing a female fan, Rema has at last broken silence on his relationship with the female fan he went on a sentimental date with.
Hours prior, Rema was hauled by numerous individuals social media after a viral video of him kissing the neck of the fan he went out on the town with surfaced online as though they are darlings.
Rema while responding to a portion of the kickbacks on twitter, he talked about the connection among him and the female fan distinguished as Ninmie.

As indicated by the youthful gifted vocalist, the woman being referred to is in no way, shape, or form his better half in this manner all his female fans particularly ought to unwind as he has nothing to do with his date.
Some fans seem not to believe his words hence concluded that they won’t waste their time promoting and supporting him and his songs anymore.
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