A 35 year old mother identified as Carlisha Hood and her teenage have been charged connection with a fatal shooting that occurred last weekend at a Far South Side restaurant.
What happened
According to prosecutors, Carlisha Hood entered the Maxwell Street Express, located at 116th and Halsted, late last Sunday night to pick up a food order.
Her son was waiting in the car. While in line, Hood got into a verbal argument with a 32-year-old man who had entered the restaurant. She then began texting her son and pointing to him outside, prosecutors said.
The argument soon escalated and became physical.

Prosecutors said the man, encouraged by a witness, punched Hood three times in the head.
Shortly prior to the punches, Hood’s son entered the doorway of the restaurant. After the first punch, the boy took out a gun, but the man continued to punch Hood. It was then that the boy shot the man in the back, prosecutors said.
The man tried to flee from the boy and his mother, but the two followed him.
Prosecutors said the boy continued to shoot at the man, with Hood ordering him “to shoot and kill.” Hood then turned her attention to a witness and demanded that her son begin shooting at her.
Prosecutors said Hood tried to wrestle away the gun from the boy, but he resisted her. The two then fled the scene and drove home.
The man suffered two gunshot wounds to his back and died.
The witness identified both Hood and her son from provided photos. Hood’s neighbor also provided video surveillance of the two coming home that night, and positively identified them, prosecutors said.
Hood and her son turned themselves in and were arrested.
Bond was set for Hood at $3 million. Her son is being held in Cook County Juvenile custody.
According to prosecutors, Hood is a legal concealed gun carrier.